Tag Archives: video
Wonderful: Kids performing Kraftwerk – Roboter
I am aware of the cultural implications of robots and robot like work conditions.
But this is art and really nice to see the kids performing it!
Awesome 256m Craneclimb in Germany
Wow, some guys in my home town really went for it. This is pretty crazy!!
Get ready for some crazy: Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is the best game ever.
My favorite line:
Lisa: “I can`t believe nobody has brought up the Waldorf-Salad yet.”
Everybody: “There`s a Waldorf Salad??”
Lisa Simpson verwandelt die Grundschule von Springfield in eine #Waldorfschule! 🙂 (Staffel 26, Episode 22, US-Premiere am 17. Mai 2015)
Source: Waldorfbazar-DieSimpsonsaufderWaldorfschule!|Facebook
Musicless Musicvideo / DAVID BOWIE & MICK JAGGER – Dancing In The Street
The most boring viral video – and the most useful!!
Please share this. Also: there`s a really simple trick how to help someone out. Maybe this guy, maybe you fellow filmmakers next project, maybe a musician you care about on their video.
Make the video page your browser homepage and set your browser to open up the homepage whenever you open a new window or tab. This will create quite a large number of views every day.
30 Life Hacks Debunked – mental_floss on YouTube (Ep. 30)
I have to say, I like John Green.
Age reduction VFX
From a technology standpoint this is incredibly impressive and fascinating. If it’s not a fake.
The social implications are utter shit of course.
Wild Crow Shows Incredible Intelligence During Complex Test
In this experiment, a crow observes an 8-part puzzle. Watch what he does next.
Source: Wild Crow Shows Incredible Intelligence During Complex Test – Daily Megabyte