Tag Archives: fun
25 minutes spent really well: The bubble that breaks maths
CAPTCHA suitable for composers
So you have to put musicians on beer cans in order to make them play in time. Got it.
Herr Regent Kabba
Cursor + Chicken
Why is TV 29.97 frames per second? – YouTube
I had a little amusing exchange over on Twitter about FPS on the new PS5 which then made me jump into refreshing my memory of why we have this ridiculous framerate of 29.97 fps which then made me find this rather good and entertaining video:
Is my CPU flipping me off?
Or is it flipping off all the synths that are playing?

Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet – Corona Special Behind The Scenes
I love this team, and I love this show. And what they put on for a special is so enjoyable.
Thank you all for it!!