Give a Heavy Metal Valentine’s Day Card to Someone You Love | MetalSucks.
Again, I’m not a Trekkie, but Star Trek included a lot of gems for repeat viewers to discover!
For the fun of it I just checked the WayBackMachine when I first registered and .de and ran my website. They have the first entry in 2001… I thought it was earlier, but I may be wrong of course.
It’s very interesting to browse through the page over on the WayBackMachine: music notation, Quake3Arena (anyone remember those days on a 56k modem?? LOL), political stuff, I even released some of the electronic tracks from then under a free license (!!)… if only I would find what tracks those were… Hehehe…
Anyway, when did you register your first domain and ran your own website?
A quick thrown together TED talk:
It’s not nose picking. You also means keeping your back straight et cetera, et cetera. But most importantly, you need the brain to always think straight. I’ll give you an illustration of this: In the middle of the world lies all the knowledge and wisdom we need. I would like to remind you of French intellectuals ridiculing these things. And – admittedly – when you look at the middle of it all, you could see the situation running the same way that a downward spiral would. It makes you yearn for coffee – you know it will be wonderful. I’ll give you some related data of the United States health situation. Compare this to French phrases such as “et cetera, et cetera”. But I should be more specific when referring to a milky weak coffee which makes you both happy and excited. How many of you would prefer that to tea? I think it’s just like when the middle of the world lies all the knowledge and wisdom we need.
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tedPAD – create millions of amazing and really bad TED talks.
This will leave you in tears of laughter:
Tears in my eyes from laughing…