For many years now, the tech industry has told the music industry to “get with it” and create “new” business models.
Well, they`re here now in the form of
- outrageous ticket prices
- constant marketing mailing/viral campaigns
- increased corporate sponsorships (which is just splendid for artistic freedom, but who`s watching, right?)
- investment in venture capital and thus tech startups as you can see from the article below
What`s gone is:
- investment in A&R
- advances for producing albums for young bands / artists
- the middle class career in music
- the small indie label investing in niche music out of love
There is only one solution to this whole dilemma that will bring back freedom to create art:
The audience has to come back with their wallet and directly (!) support the artists they like. Even if those artists happen to be signed to a label. Not all labels are Mega-Corporation-Labels with terrible deals for their roster. A lot of the do really great work and love what they do.
Your choice:
Support and buy the albums directly from artists
Have a winner-take-all music world dominated by corporate / artistic relationships based on marketing research and capital.