Creative help from the LUG

This is compiled from the logic user group (LUG)

I hope the original posters don’t mind me collecting these tips here. After all, I am including the name of the source and if you want I can include a link to your webpage! Let me know!

Maurits van de Kamp wrote:

I often notice that my hands are less creative than my mind so to speak. Meaning that if I sit down behind my keyboard and try to add patterns, they tend to become more predictable or indeed more forced than when I have no instruments available and the base track just rings in my head and new melodies or patterns pop up in my mind.

If it works this way for you too, try and do the main composing on your living room couch, playing back the base recordings and humming/whistling away. :o) Once you’ve got the right “hooklines” you can do the rest with your instruments at hand.
Trevor Gilchrist writes:

Beer. Contemplation. Collaboration. Cross-pollination. Balls.
Dont write for the market.
Read “The War of Art” by Stephen Pressfield
Write something bad rather than nothing good.
Dont look for affirmation.
Reject the familiar.
Try and rememeber what you USED to do.

David Lewis:

Try some sound-alike projects. Grab a song in some genre that you don’t usually work with, import it into
Logic with a tempo map, and see if you can recreate it as precisely as possible. It’s a great exercize for when you’re in a rut, and need new ideas.

Bill Canty:

(Not that I’ve got the oeuvre to prove it, but…) I often find that listening to other people’s music gets ideas bouncing around in my head. This is especially true of the more expermental stuff you used to be into. It’s easy enough to borrow ideas from experiental music that can give a more straight-ahead arrangement that desired and interesting bit of “WTF?!”

If I were you I’d drag out Cloud About Mercury, Big Science or sumthin’ when you get stuck for ideas! Or maybe explore some fringe stuff that you *haven’t* heard before. 🙂


Download a widget called “Oblique Strategies”… you click on it, it flips over and present you with a (sometimes just one word) “angle” or a dilemma as they call it. Very nice thing for when you’re stuck creatively – at least I find it helpful sometimes!
Nick Batzdorf:

The first step is probably to stop using horrible clichés like “think outside the box.”

James Gathigns:

Sounds to me like you might want to try working with other artists/producers. A new chemistry set might be in order.

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